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How DUI Attorneys Win Motions to Dismiss a Drunk Driving Charge

How DUI Attorneys Win Motions to Dismiss a Drunk Driving Charge

The largest difference between the most effective Seattle attorneys and the remainder is their accomplishments in winning motions to suppress or dismiss drunk driving charges. An excellent Seattle DUI Attorneys knows the importance of properly filing motions in order to suppress evidence as well as the DUI charge itself. It's this knowledge that separates the most effective DUI attorneys from the inexperienced ones.

How come it a DUI lawyer would desire to file legal motions? The reason is that motions are one of the key tools in successfully defending a DUI case. If your lawyer wins one of these brilliant key motions then your case is normally decided in your favor. Even when your lawyer is not granted one of these brilliant motions, the information obtained throughout the motion hearing is usually employed by experienced lawyers at trial.

Regrettably, a lot of people arrested for a DUI, hire inexperienced lawyers who do not understand the importance of these motions. They mistakenly believe there is no reason to file them. In many instances however, these motions are filed as the arresting officer simply didn't put enough information in the authorities report regarding whether the sobriety and blood tests were performed correctly. Motions can be filed because of this, among many others.

Once the appropriate motions are filed, Seattle attorneys treat the hearings with just as much importance as they would a jury trial. Inexperienced attorneys look at these motion hearings with little importance and shoot from the hip when questioning the officer. An improved Seattle DUI lawyer understands that the cross examination of an officer should be thoroughly prepared in advance. There is usually a wide range of detail to get into when questioning the arresting officer.

The cross examination of the arresting officer is important because most officers do not properly prepare for these motion hearings. In many instances, the officers come in without reviewing their training manuals and sometimes quickly reviewing their reports. Under these circumstances, you lawyer can test the officer through the entire cross examination. Your attorney will bring up any inconsistencies when the officer is testifying at trial.

If the arresting officer testifies poorly, the prosecutor will sometimes offer a great deal on the charges as well as dismiss the case altogether. If neither of these things happens, an experienced Seattle DUI attorney has lots of information to utilize throughout the trial. When you have been faced with driving under the influence, it is vital you hire a DUI lawyer with plenty of success in these pretrial motions.

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